The Education Committee usually consists of 15-20 members representing the broad range of research across the Society. As a major focus of the Education Committee at the annual meeting is to conduct the Gordis Award competition for students and postdoctoral fellows, the Education Committee typically accepts student members; yet, these members will not participate in the Gordis Award procedures.

Diverse representation in the committee membership across multiple categories (scientific, status, biological sex, racial/ethnic) is critical in order for the committee to fulfill its mission to address professional development needs of RSA members at all stages of their careers. For example, a diverse scientific membership is required to adequately judge the applicants for the Gordis Awards. This diversity will be considered when appointing new and replacement members to the committee.

  1. Members will be appointed for a 3-year term, with the option of one consecutive re-appointment for a second 3-year term. Committee size will be 15-20 members, including the Chair. In addition, there will be two to four 2-year term student members of the committee.
  2. The Chair of the committee will identify committee members that represent the diversity of the RSA membership, with regard to research area, career level, underrepresented minority status, and gender. Student membership is encouraged, but student Education Committee members will not participate in the Gordis Award process.
  3. To preserve the continuity of the committee, rotations will be staggered so that no more than 25% of the committee rotates off each year. The Chair of the Committee may serve an additional 3-year term. Members will rotate off the Committee at the end of their terms, unless they request in writing an interest to serve another 3-year term and this request is supported by the Chair, or unless they respond positively to a request by the Chair to continue for another term. Requests for re-appointment will be most favorable when the committee member commits to a major leadership role, which could include (but is not limited to):
  • Committee chair
    ·         Student lunch subcommittee chair
    ·         Gordis award subcommittee chair
    ·         Grant skills workshop subcommittee chair
    ·         Mentoring program subcommittee chair
  1. Leadership roles will be assumed for a period of 2-4 years and will include a period of at least 1 year in which duties are transitioned to a new leader.
  2. If a member is unable to fulfill committee duties and must vacate their position before the end of their term, the Chair will recruit and appoint a new member to fulfill that term. The replacement member will be eligible to serve another full term as described above. After serving on the committee, RSA members are welcome to apply for a second round of committee membership after a hiatus of at least one year.